thyssenkrupp Home Solutions is now TK Home Solutions
TK Home Solutions
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Managing the stairs is one of the reasons senior citizens feel they have to move out of the homes they love so much. Yes, stairs are a worry, but haven't they always been so? Taking up the laundry, carrying a baby, rushing down to answer the door... the stairs can be a hindrance. But there's no reason they should become an insurmountable problem.
Here is some good advice to make your stairs safer:
Made-to-measure technology is the future. Your future.
Discover the many features and configuration possibilities of the TK Elevator stairlift products.
We're convinced this could be the perfect solution for a long and happy life at your home.
Find out more about TK Elevator stairlifts here.
What our customers say
"The Flow2 stairlift was the ideal solution for getting up and down my narrow staircase" - Ms Bainbridge
More than 130,000 units installed
since 2001
Less than a day