thyssenkrupp Home Solutions is now TK Home Solutions
TK Home Solutions
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Our stairlifts improve people's lives
German-engineered stairlifts from TK Home Solutions.
Maximum independence in your home.
S200 Stairlift
Maximum Convenience
Maximum Customisation
Maximum Comfort
Maximum Safety
Enjoy your home to the maximum
Your home is not just a house. It is part of you, a reflection of your lifestyle and tastes. It grows with you, your family and your circumstances. And it adapts to your needs as they change.
The stairs are a worry, whatever your age.
Managing the stairs is one of the reasons people feel they have to move out of the homes they love so much. Yes, stairs are a worry, but haven't they always been so?
Through the key hole.
We recently installed a home lift for Lady Colin Campbell. Find out more here.
The perfect match
The idea of having a stairlift may take a bit of getting used to.
TK Home Solutions have been supplying stairlifts, through floor lift, home lifts, wheelchair lifts, and lifts of all shapes and sizes for 20 years in the UK. We pride ourselves to offer high levels of customer service and provide bespoke stairlifts for all shapes and sizes. From curved stairlifts to stairlifts for narrow stairs, we have a solution for everyone. Even if you’re looking for a stairlift repair, we can help.